I see you, mama

Running the kids from home,

To school,

To dance and swim.

I see you, mama

Getting those babies home,


And fed.

I see you, mama

Holding it together,

While your little breaks down,

I see you, mama

Working hard to feed a nutritious dinner,

And biting your tongue,

When your little just wants noodles.

I see you, mama

Kissing boo-boos,

Wiping tears,

Being the fixer of all the broken things.

I see you, mama

Crying on the bathroom floor,

I see you, mama

Doubting yourself,

Wondering if your little is right.

Maybe you are the worst,

Maybe you are ruining their life,

Maybe you aren’t enough.

I also see you, mama

Getting up and wiping your own tears,

Smiling at yourself in the mirror,

Telling yourself it’s ok,

YOU’RE okay.

I see you, mama

The one your babies run to,

When they’re happy,

When they’re sad, 

When they’re angry.

I see them run,

To you, mama

Remember that,

They see you too, mama.

I know it’s hard…

There are days when it feels like you can’t do anything right. You question whether or not you are completely ruining your babies and setting them up for failure. But let me tell you a secret…

They love you anyway.

All you have to do is be there; when they are hurt or happy - just be there. You don’t have to solve all of their problems, though I am sure you will try, you just have to show them that no matter what, they are never alone in this crazy life. Show them that love will always win. Show them that sometimes all you have to do is dance it off and things will get better. We put some much pressure on ourselves as parents that we forget to stop and just BE THERE.

They love you. They see you. It’s going to be okay.